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Motorcycle Accidents: 5 Things You Should Know About Motorcycles and Motorcyclists.


Motorcycle accidents are especially dangerous because of how little protection a rider has when a collision occurs. Therefore, it is crucial for drivers to be aware of motorcycles and to share the roads with motorcyclists. A little knowledge about how to drive while motorcycles are also present can be the difference between a safe trip and a fatal motorcycle accident. We have compiled five tips concerning motorcycles and motorcyclists that drivers should follow.

5 Tips All Car and Truck Drivers Should Know About Motorcycles and Motorcyclists:

1. Respect Mother Nature

While it is important in general to adjust driving behavior accordingly to inclement weather, drivers should also adjust their driving behavior when motorcycles are present. Drivers should allot even more space to motorcyclists since the inclement weather will be especially tough to deal with for a motorcyclist.

2. Never Lose Sight of the Blind Spots

With motorcycles being much smaller than cars and trucks, as well as being much shiftier, it is very easy for a motorcycle to fall in a driver’s blind spot. Keep your head on a swivel, especially when changing lanes.

3. Left Turns Deserve Extra Care

Most motorcycle accidents that occur between cars and motorcycles involve left turns at an intersection. This is due to the lowered visibility of motorcycles because of their size, which also makes it harder to judge a motorcycle’s speed.

4. Observe and Obey All Traffic Laws, Signs, and Signals

Failure to obey and yield the right-of-way can result in a fatal motorcycle accident. Drivers must stay focused on driving and block out distractions. Always use turn signals to indicate your next move. By doing this, drivers allow motorcyclists time to anticipate traffic flow and adjust their lane position.

5. Remember the Golden Rule

Treat other drivers and motorcyclists the way you want to be treated on the road. Cut other drivers and riders a little slack, it could save a life.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident, you may need an expert. Knowing where to turn and who to hire as your attorney can be the difference between recovering what you deserve and having your claim denied by an insurance company.


Esurance: Sharing the Road with Motorcycles 

It Involves You: Motorcycle Safety at Purdue 

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