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Trial Skills Seminar - October 4thRegister

Slip & Fall


Did You Suffer Nerve Damage in a Slip and Fall Accident?

By Shiver Hamilton Campbell |

The nerves are responsible for sending electrical signals that allow the brain to communicate with the rest of the body. Essentially, the nerves allow us to move, feel, talk, and think, so any damage to those nerves can cause problems in these areas, resulting in pain, numbness, and mobility issues. Unfortunately, nerve damage is… Read More »

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Time Limits for Filing a Georgia Slip and Fall Case

By Shiver Hamilton Campbell |

Suffering an injury in a slip and fall accident is not only painful, but is also often stressful. In many cases, injured parties will need medical attention, may require treatment, and could have to take time off from work. The good news is that injured parties who can prove that their slip and fall… Read More »

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Slip and Fall vs Trip and Fall Injuries

By Shiver Hamilton Campbell |

While slip and fall and trip and fall accidents are very similar, they are not identical. In a slip and fall, for instance, a person’s foot loses traction with the floor because it comes into contact with a slick or movable substance (often liquid), that causes the person to fall backwards. Trip and fall… Read More »

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When a Georgia Business is Liable for a Slip and Fall Accident

By Shiver Hamilton Campbell |

While many of those who are involved in slip and fall accidents are lucky enough to walk away with scrapes and bruises, an alarming number are not so fortunate. In these cases, it is often in an injured party’s best interests to file a claim with the at-fault property owner whose failure to care… Read More »

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Clutter and Debris Can Increase Fall Risks

By Shiver Hamilton Campbell |

Falls are one of the leading causes of serious injury in the U.S. and while everything from slippery floors to poor lighting can and do contribute to these falls, a surprising number are caused by problems as simple as debris and clutter in walkways and other high traffic areas. This can be especially frustrating… Read More »

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Proving Property Owner Liability for Wet or Icy Conditions

By Shiver Hamilton Campbell |

In Georgia, property owners have a legal responsibility to keep their premises safe for visitors. This includes a duty to property inspect and maintain the interior of their buildings, as well as their exterior grounds, ensuring that they are free of any dangerous conditions that could cause a slip and fall accident, like ice… Read More »

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An Alarming increase in Fatal Slip and Fall Accidents Among Seniors

By Shiver Hamilton Campbell |

Slip and fall accidents can happen to anyone, regardless of gender or age. There are, however, certain populations that do tend to be involved in these kinds of accidents more often than others. Seniors, for instance, or those who are over the age of 65 years old, are injured at a much higher rate… Read More »

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Time Limits for Filing a Slip and Fall Claim in Georgia

By Shiver Hamilton Campbell |

Being injured in an accident can leave victims grappling with a lot of different and equally important things at once. They may, for instance, need to obtain medical care and follow through with a treatment plan, all while arranging to take time off from work, making plans for childcare, and staying current on household… Read More »

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Dangerous Stairs, Walkways, and Ramps

By Shiver Hamilton Campbell |

Stairs, walkways, and ramps are a common installation on most public structures, serving the valuable purpose of improving accessibility. Unfortunately, when these areas aren’t carefully designed, built with the right materials, or maintained properly, they can end up posing a risk to visitors. Errors and Oversights Can Result in Hazardous Stairs, Walkways, and Ramps … Read More »

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Did You Suffer a Hip Injury in a Slip and Fall Accident?

By Shiver Hamilton Campbell |

The types of injuries that a slip and fall accident victim can sustain are wide ranging, including everything from strains and bruising to broken bones and dislocations. These kinds of injuries can be debilitating, leaving accident victims unable to work while they recover and sometimes, forced to suffer with permanent disability. If you or… Read More »

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