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Atlanta Limo Accident Lawyers

Riding in a limousine is generally considered to be a safe way to travel. The stereotypical image of a limousine is a professional businessperson being chauffeured to the airport or a meeting by a white-gloved professional driver. But limousines are also rented for senior proms and nights out on the town, and limousine rental companies include aftermarket stretch limos, party buses, and the notoriously unsafe 15-passenger vans. Each type of limousine can have its own set of dangers when it comes to vehicle handling, and the quality of care among drivers and rental companies can vary dramatically. Most limousine companies are small operations with fleets of less than five vehicles, and there are as many as 20 different companies currently operating in the metro Atlanta area alone.

If you get hurt in a limousine accident as a passenger of the limo or an occupant of another car involved in a crash, you could suffer serious injury or disability. The limousine accident attorneys at Shiver Hamilton Campbell understand the complexities of a limousine accident and know what it takes to hold the proper parties accountable for their negligence. Our Atlanta personal injury and wrongful death lawyers are frequently called upon by other law firms to assist them when it comes to litigating the most severe motor vehicle accident cases. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a metro Atlanta limousine accident, call Shiver Hamilton Campbell to speak with an Atlanta limo accident lawyer on your potential claims against the negligent driver or company responsible for causing the crash.

Common Causes of Limousine Accidents

Stretch limos are more difficult to maneuver than standard-size vehicles, and they may have been modified in ways that can make them dangerously unsafe. When limousines are driven by inexperienced or untrained drivers, or when drivers operate limos that were defectively designed or manufactured, catastrophic crashes can occur, with tragic results. Below are some of the more typical reasons behind an Atlanta limousine accident.

Negligent Drivers

It’s up to the limousine company to hire experienced drivers or provide on-the-job training so that they are sending out qualified drivers. But many limousine companies are small operations, and turnover can be high. Drivers who cause a wreck due to lack of skill or experience, negligence, or inattention can be held liable for the accidents they cause, along with the company that employs them. Drivers can also be prone to distracted driving car accidents, whether due to unfamiliarity with their route and overreliance on phone navigation, or allowing themselves to be distracted by the party-like atmosphere in the passenger compartment.

Drunk or Drowsy Driving

Limo drivers are often hired for the entire evening, making multiple stops throughout the night with long idle periods between trips. With ready access to alcohol in the limo, some drivers might be tempted to stave off their boredom with a drink or two. Even sober, limo drivers often work long hours into the night and early morning hours, some after working a complete day shift at another job. Drowsy driving can be at least as dangerous as drunk driving, depending on the level of fatigue versus the amount of intoxication. Both activities are incredibly dangerous to limo passengers and others on the road.

Negligent Vehicle Maintenance

It’s not just the drivers who have to be ready to hit the road; the limousines themselves must be in a safe, drivable condition. Limo companies are responsible to maintain their fleets in top mechanical condition, which includes regularly inspecting tires, brakes and electrical systems to avoid a critical failure on the freeway. The limo company as well as any third-party that performed inadequate maintenance can be liable for accidents that ensue.

After-Market Modifications

Limousines, buses and multi-passenger vans must adhere to strict federal motor vehicle safety standards (FMVSS) regarding how they are designed and built. It’s not uncommon, however, for vehicles to be stretched and modified into a limousine after the original vehicle has already been manufactured and sold. The federal government doesn’t oversee or regulate these aftermarket vehicles, and the FMVSS standards don’t apply to them. A stretch limousine could be negligently modified to create the following hazards:

  • Too difficult to handle/control
  • Failed suspension
  • Raised center of gravity and risk of rollover
  • Substandard materials leading to failure in the vehicle’s midsection or roof crush

Body shops that perform negligent aftermarket modifications are one more party that might be liable to a limousine accident victim after a crash. Our seasoned auto accident attorneys at Shiver Hamilton Campbell are experienced in identifying all proper parties to a complex vehicle accident case and putting the applicable facts and relevant law together to create a strong case holding all responsible parties accountable for their negligence. Our goal is to recover significant compensation to help accident victims and their families get the medical care and financial assistance they need to move forward and regain the best quality of life after a devastating crash.

Get the Help You Need From A Atlanta Limo Accident Lawyer

If you have been injured in a metro Atlanta limousine accident, or if you lost a beloved family member in a limousine crash or other vehicle accident in Atlanta, call Shiver Hamilton Campbell at 404-593-0020 for a free consultation. We take on cases involving the most serious catastrophic injuries or wrongful death, and we fight to secure significant compensation for our clients who were hurt because of another’s negligence or wrongful conduct.

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