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Trucking Collision Experts


Collisions involved with tractor trailers – be they with pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, or automobile drivers — are some of the most tragic.  It is no surprise that when an 80,000 pound truck collides with one of the above mentioned, the tractor trailer wins every time.

Seeking justice for trucking collision victims is tricky.  First of all, often the victims are hurt too badly to tell “their side of the story.”  That means law enforcement will only hear the potentially at fault driver’s side of the story, which predictably involves some version of ‘he darted out in front of my truck’ or ‘they pulled right out in front of me.’ The law and facts must be closely studied, and thoroughly understood, by a lawyer representing a victim.  Too often, insurance companies and others looking at these cases rush to judgment that the victim must be at fault for not yielding the ‘right of way’ or some other excuse for accepting liability.

Fortunately, if the right information and evidence is collected and preserved then an expert witness working with an experienced lawyer can provide an accurately reconstructed scene or a diagram that provides collision analysis.

In reality, the law and facts are more complicated than that. Factors such as the truck driver’s actions and responsibilities, physical and mental state, credentials and training, as well as lighting and environmental condition play a major role in determining where responsibility lies.

Useful information in a trucking collision case includes:

  • Statements from witness (remember always get witness contact information while at the scene in case you need to contact that person in the future)
  • Photos
  • Footage
  • Measurements of the scene
  • Skid marks
  • Road conditions,
  • Time of day
  • Weather conditions
  • Vehicle condition
  • Truck Driver history
  • Trucking Company Policies and Standards

Experts will use the above data and apply laws of physics to evaluate the collision. This analysis and reconstruction models can help a jury understand what actually caused the accident and in essence prove the case.

Jeff Shiver and Alan Hamilton, as well as staff and consultants, are trained, skilled and experienced in investigating and handling trucking collision cases.  We work with top experts and do not hesitate to allocate the necessary resources to cases we investigate.  We also move quickly – time truly is of the essence in these cases while the physical evidence still exists and witness memories are fresh.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a trucking accident, you may need an expert. Knowing where to turn and who to hire as your attorney can be the difference between recovering what you deserve and having your claim denied by an insurance company.

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