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5 Tips To Reduce Your Chance Of Being In A Truck Involved Crash


While we all routinely use the word “accident” to refer to traffic crashes, the fact is most wrecks are entirely avoidable and happen because one or more drivers is negligent.  The same is true of a truck involved crash, but the consequences to people and property are magnified because of a truck’s size and poor maneuverability. While you can never entirely eliminate the risk of being involved in a truck involved crash, here are some safety tips that can help reduce your risk:

 1. A truck involved crash can be avoided by maintaining a safe following distance when driving behind a truck.

You should try to be aware of a truck driver’s blind spots, and make sure you are not driving in them. If the driver doesn’t see you then the driver may think it’s okay to merge in your lane. In terms of blind spots or no-zones, typically there is one in the front of the truck, one on each side, and one in the rear.

2. Pass trucks with caution and be courteous

Trucks take longer – more time and more distance – to brake than cars.  If you merge too quickly into a truck’s lane the driver may not be able to adjust the vehicle’s speed in time. Part of being courteous is giving other drivers enough room. If you are tailgating and the truck stops rapidly, you could rear-end it. Generally, you are following a truck too closely if you cannot see the mirrors on either side of the cab.

3. Avoid driving when you are tired or there are poor weather conditions

If you’re tired your reactions are typically slower or worse you may drift into another lane. Also, whenever possible, try to avoid driving on highways during bad weather. What is easy for a car to maneuver around may not be as easy for a truck. If roads are slick and it would take a car more time to brake then a truck will take even longer given their bulk and momentum.

4. Avoid driver distractions

If you’re on your cell phone, GPS, or other mobile devices you may not be paying attention which would prevent you from reacting quickly to the movements of a nearby truck.  Thankfully there are federal regulations in place that prohibit use of such devices by truck drivers while operating their vehicles.  But the data and studies are clear:  texting and using electronic gadgets while driving lead to driver distraction and truck involved crashes.       

5. Be a Defensive Driver

For instance, look for slow-moving trucks or those with warning lights on. If you are on at highway moving at high speeds and a truck is moving at a significantly lower speed than the rest of traffic, it may be doing so because of mechanical problems. If you do not anticipate this, you may realize it too late and end up with mechanical problems of your own.

A truck involved crash is often catastrophic and complicated requiring in-depth experience in personal injury law as well as significant expertise in federal and state trucking regulations.  But you don’t have to go it alone, here at Shiver Hamilton Campbell we can put our experience and expertise to work for you. We’ve successfully handled numerous automobile and trucking accident cases and want to hear from you and see if we can serve your needs.  Reach out to one of our experienced attorneys for a free consultation today.

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