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Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyers > Blog > Results > $5,000,0000 Verdict – Head-On Collision in Fulton County

$5,000,0000 Verdict – Head-On Collision in Fulton County

The Defendant driver was on the job for Atlanta Classic Cars, Inc. delivering a loaner vehicle. The vehicle traveling in front of the Defendant came to a controlled stopped for a deer in the roadway. The Defendant, who was following too closely and not paying proper attention, failed to appreciate the stopped vehicle in front of him in time to come to a controlled stop and instead swerved into oncoming traffic colliding with our client’s vehicle.

Defendants denied any responsibility for the wreck, instead claiming it was a sudden emergency and there was nothing they could do to avoid the wreck. Defendants further contended the injuries claimed by our client were unrelated to the wreck and they retained medical experts to attempt to support this position.

Our brave client declined Defendants eventual attempts to settle the case and authorized us to try the case to a jury.

The jury ultimately rejected both the Defendants’ attempts to escape liability and discount our client’s injuries returning a jury verdict of $5,000,000, one of the largest such verdicts obtained in this state and many multiples more than Defendants’ best settlement offer.

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