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Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyers > Blog > Results > $2,250,000 Jury Verdict – Motor Vehicle Collision

$2,250,000 Jury Verdict – Motor Vehicle Collision

Shiver Hamilton Campbell’s client was rear-ended in Stone Mountain Park by a truck. Our client refused treatment at the scene, but the next day went to the chiropractor for shoulder and low back pain.

Our client was eventually diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear for which he had arthroscopic surgery. He also experienced continuing lumbar spine-related pain. An MRI and other test results were inconclusive, and as a result, he was not deemed a surgical candidate. Instead of surgery, our client sought treatment at a pain management facility. His treatment included radiofrequency ablation therapy.

Shiver Hamilton Campbell’s client incurred medical expenses in the amount of $265,000. The corporate defendant argued that the wreck was our client’s fault based on our client stopping unexpectedly in the roadway, but a Dekalb County jury found the other driver to be 100% at fault and awarded $2.25 million to our client, an amount that was between 9 and 10 times his medical expenses, and nearly 5 times the defendant’s highest pre-trial settlement offer.

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