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Preventing Rear End Accidents During the Winter


Winter weather conditions, like snow, ice, and low visibility, can create dangerous road conditions for even the most experienced of drivers. This is why rear end accidents are so common during the winter months in Georgia, where sudden cold snaps can leave drivers unexpectedly battling icy roads.

Why Rear End Accidents are More Common in the Winter 

Most rear end accidents can be attributed to a couple of different causes, one of which is tailgating, or following too closely. This is dangerous even when the road and weather conditions are clear, so doing so is even more perilous when the road is icy or visibility is poor and a vehicle can easily skid out of control or a driver could fail to see how close the car in front of them is. This is why it’s so important to increase the distance between yourselves and other vehicles when driving during the winter months, as it simply takes longer to stop when traveling on snow or ice-covered roads. Another common cause of rear end accidents is driving too fast for the road conditions. When visibility is poor and the surface of the road is slippery, drivers need more time to react and hit the brakes if necessary.

Winter Weather Road Hazards

 Winter weather conditions come with a wide range of hazards, many of which can contribute to rear end crashes. Snow and sleet, for instance, can cover road markings, making it difficult if not impossible for drivers to see lane divisions. Icy patches can also reduce or eliminate traction, causing vehicles to lose control. The sun reflecting off ice and snow can also blind drivers, who won’t be able to see brake lights or oncoming traffic. All of these problems make it more likely that a driver will be involved in a crash.

Avoiding a Rear End Accident This Winter 

While it’s not always possible to avoid collisions, there are steps that motorists can take to prevent this type of crash during the winter months, including:

  • Checking the tread on their tires, as well as their headlights and windshield wipers;
  • Increasing the distance between themselves and other vehicles when the weather dictates;
  • Giving themselves extra time to reach their destination;
  • Reducing their speed; and
  • Avoiding driving at night when visibility is poor.

If, even after taking these precautions, you end up involved in a rear end accident this winter, there are a few steps you can take to help strengthen your claim. For instance, be sure to seek medical attention and take photos of the damage to your vehicle. It’s also a good idea to reach out to an attorney for help filing your insurance and/or personal injury claim.

Atlanta Rear End Accident Lawyers 

Even the most careful of drivers could end up injured in a rear end accident this winter. Fortunately, accident victims are often entitled to compensation if they can prove that their collision was the result of someone else’s negligence. At Shiver Hamilton Campbell, our dedicated Atlanta rear end accident attorneys can help you navigate the legal process and seek the compensation you deserve. Call us at 404-593-0020 to set up a free consultation today.




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