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Jonesboro Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Bicycles have increasingly become a popular mode of transportation that is both cost-effective and environmentally-conscious. Unfortunately, serious safety risks come with riding them on roads and highways.

When a bicycle and motor vehicle collides, the cyclist typically bears the brunt of the accident. Bikes offer no protection from an impact and are prone to toppling over in a crash. If you are involved in a bicycle accident due to the negligence of someone else, a compassionate personal injury attorney could advise you of your rights.

You might have a viable claim for monetary damages following your accident. With the assistance of a Jonesboro bicycle accident lawyer, you could hold the negligent driver accountable in court.

Jonesboro Bicycle Laws

Under state law, bicycles are considered vehicles just like cars and trucks. This designation gives cyclists the right to ride bikes on roads and highways, with some limitations. There are specific rules of the road that only apply to cyclists. According to Code of Georgia § 40-6-294, cyclists must travel as close to the right-hand side of the road as possible. The exceptions to this rule are limited, outside of making a left turn.

The rules of the road can impact a personal injury claim stemming from a bicycle accident. When cyclists violate these rules, it could be evidence of negligence. Consequently, when motorists fail to respect the rights of the cyclists they share the road with, they could be held liable. A local attorney could review the specifics of a bicycle crash to determine if there was any compelling evidence of negligence on the part of the defendant.

The Statute of Limitations for Bike Accidents

Every lawsuit filed in Jonesboro must comply with the statute of limitations, and bicycle accident claims are no exception. The statute exists to ensure that parties do not wait an unreasonable amount of time to file a lawsuit following an accident.

Each state approaches the statute of limitations differently. Some jurisdictions only give a plaintiff one year from the date of the crash to file suit while others are far more lenient. According to Code of Georgia § 9-3-33, a plaintiff must file an injury claim within two years of the date the accident occurred. Any plaintiff that waits to file suit until after that two-year window expires could be putting their claim at risk.

If a plaintiff files suit after the statute expires, the court is within their right to dismiss the case permanently. There are limited exceptions that allow for a bike accident lawsuit to move forward after this deadline has passed, which an attorney in the area could explain.

Let a Jonesboro Bicycle Accident Lawyer Help You

The consequences of a bicycle accident can follow you for the rest of your life. If the crash results in permanent injuries, it can impact your quality of life and your ability to earn a living.

You do not have to let a horrific injury turn your life upside down. By pursuing a civil claim, you could recover financial compensation that could make up for your lost wages and cover your medical bills. To learn more, schedule an initial consultation with a Jonesboro bicycle accident lawyer as soon as possible.

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