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Savannah Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If you are a motorcycle enthusiast who lives in the Savannah area, you likely appreciate that our climate is conducive to motorcycle riding for almost the entire year. Unfortunately, that also increases the risk that you could suffer an injury in a motorcycle crash. Tragically, approximately 4,500 people die each year in motorcycle accidents.

If you or a loved one suffered an injury in a motorcycle crash, contact a Savannah motorcycle accident lawyer to find out what legal options you may have against the vehicle driver or any other party who caused the accident. Our experienced accident attorneys are well versed in the most recent traffic laws and can assist you.

Causes of Motorcycle Crashes in Savannah

Many people who do not ride motorcycles think that people who do ride are thrill seeking, irresponsible risk takers responsible for most motorcycle crashes that occur. The truth, however, is that most motorcyclists are very responsible and do all they can to practice safe driving behaviors.

The fact that about 70 percent of motorcycle accidents are due to the actions of other vehicle drivers appears to validate just how cautious most motorcycle drivers are. Many other vehicle drivers are too often unaware or just too distracted to realize that are driving close to a motorcycle.

One of the most common causes is when a vehicle takes a left-hand turn directly into the motorcycle’s path, failing to yield the bike the right-of-way. The motorcyclist often has no time to react and the vehicle slams into the bike. Another dangerous scenario is when the motorcyclist swerves to avoid being hit by the vehicle and either loses control of the bike or is hit by another vehicle.

A third common cause of motorcycle accidents that a Savannah motorcycle accident attorney may be able to assist with is when the vehicle rear ends the motorcycle, often because they follow too closely behind. There is also the danger of a driver changing lanes and not seeing the motorcycle. The same thing can happen when the driver is pulling out from an intersection or parking lot.

It is not just other drivers who can cause a motorcycle crash. Issues with defective motorcycle parts can also result in failure of the machine, causing a fatal crash.

Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Savannah law requires that all riders of motorcycles wear a DOT-approved helmet. Although a helmet and other safety gear can help reduce the injuries sustained in a crash, the reality is that a motorcycle offers no protection at all to its riders. Therefore many motorcycle accident victims suffer catastrophic injuries that require months of recovery and rehab and often leave long-lasting or permanent disabilities.

An Experienced Savannah Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help

Frequent types of motorcycle accident injuries include brain injuries, fractured bones, paralysis, and spinal trauma. A Savannah motorcycle accident attorney who worked with motorcycle accident victims understands the profound effect these injuries can have on both the victim and their family. There are not only overwhelming physical and emotional traumas and losses to deal with, but also significant financial losses suffered, as well.

A Savannah motorcycle accident lawyer has extensive legal knowledge and experience advocating for victims of motorcycle accidents and their families. Contact an attorney today to set up a free case evaluation and how they can assist you.

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