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Savannah Dog Bite Lawyer

A dog bite can be frightening for anyone, especially children. They can also be painful as even a small dog can break a person’s skin. In the worst cases, someone may suffer from an infection that makes the recovery process even more arduous.

If a dog bit you or someone in your family, it is important to consult an experienced Savannah dog bite lawyer with the legal experience on how the law treats dog bite injuries and what type of compensation you may be entitled to. To get started on your claim or discuss the legal options available to you, call and schedule a consultation with an injury attorney in Savannah today.

Laws for Savannah Dog Owners

Georgia’s Responsible Dog Ownership Law establishes the definitions of a dangerous dog and a vicious dog. A dangerous dog is one that aggressively attacks people, posing an immediate threat of serious injury. Or it could be one that causes a serious puncture wound to a victim. If a dog is a dangerous dog, it is not allowed off the property of its owner unless it is under complete physical control and unable to engage with any person or other animal.

The state classifies a vicious dog as one that causes serious injury or death to a person. Under certain circumstances, a court can sentence the animal to death. The owner of a vicious dog cannot leave it unattended in the presence of a minor child, must have it microchipped, and cannot sell it or give it away. The owner may only relinquish the dog to either a veterinarian or appropriate government agency.

As a Savannah dog bite lawyer can explain, the only way a vicious dog can leave the property of its owner is if it is muzzled and under complete control of a person who can prohibit the animal from encountering a person or animal or if it is in a crate or cage. The owner must also carry a minimum of $50,000 liability insurance.

Dog Bite Injuries

Despite the Responsible Dog Ownership Law, there are still too many people who suffer dog bites or attacks. Many people who have never suffered a dog bite do not realize that just how serious they can be. Victims often have scarring, eye damage, and disfigurement. It is not uncommon for complications to develop, such as infections, which can result in even more health issues for a dog bite victim to deal with leading to the need for a Savannah dog bite lawyer.

A serious dog bite typically can leave the victim with a deep wound that goes well below the surface of the skin. This can mean damage to nerves and tissue that requires months of medical treatment and often needs surgery to repair the damage. Depending on the amount of damage done, there can be extensive scarring that may require skin grafts or other plastic surgery. There is also the high risk of infection.

Along with the physical injuries, there are also emotional injuries that many dog bite victims deal with, including depression and anxiety. It is also not uncommon for a dog bite victim to struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder. And if the bite left any disfigurement or scarring, this can also have a profound effect on the victim’s emotional health.

Contact a Savannah Dog Bite Lawyer Today

Dog bites can be traumatizing. Many victims are left with disfiguring injuries and life-long fears of dogs. However, dog owners must be responsible. If someone else’s dog bit you, you may be able to recover compensation.

If a dog bit or attacked you, contact a Savannah dog bite attorney today to set up a free consultation and find out what legal action you may be able to take against the animal’s owner.

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