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Savannah Dangerous Drugs Lawyer

Prescription drugs are a common form of medical treatment. As with any medical treatment, there are risks associated with taking medication. Therefore, medication containers contain warning labels and commercials for prescription medications include a long list of possible side effects.

These warnings are intended to inform you of the potential side effects that you could face after taking a medication. Drug manufacturers must test their products to ensure they do not cause unnecessary harm to patients. These companies also must list those side effects or other potential risks associated with taking a medication. When drug manufacturers fail to make sure your medication is safe enough for use, they have neglected their legal responsibilities.

If you think a dangerous drug exacerbated your medical issue or caused illness you may be able to file a lawsuit against the negligent drug company. Call a Savannah dangerous drugs lawyer today, and find out whether you have a legal claim for compensation against a negligent drug manufacturer. Work with a skilled personal injury lawyer that could advocate for you.

What Is a Dangerous Drug?

Even though prescription drugs always carry some level of risk, not all medications are considered dangerous drugs. In fact, even a drug that causes side effects may not be considered especially dangerous.

The real danger of prescription drugs arises when pharmaceutical companies ignore their legal obligations and fail to warn consumers about possible side effects. In some cases, pharmaceutical companies do not even bother to safety test their products.

Whether a pharmaceutical company fails to warn people about the potential risks their medication poses or fails to discover those risks at all the outcome is the same, innocent victims can suffer serious injury or even death. When that happens, a Savannah dangerous drugs lawyer could help an individual or their family sue the pharmaceutical company for compensation.

Holding Pharmaceutical Companies Accountable

Every manufacturer has a legal responsibility to ensure their products do not pose an undue risk to consumers when properly used. The risks for consumers is often great when a drug manufacturer fails to comply with the law. When a drug company fails to warn doctors, pharmacists, and patients about the risks associated with a medication, it acted negligently. A pharmaceutical company’s negligence can have life-threatening consequences.

Individuals who take a dangerous drug often suffer physical and mental health complications. They then must pay for medical treatment to cope with their injuries or illnesses. It is unfair that individuals should have to pay for treatment when their health problem is the result of a pharmaceutical company’s negligence. State law allows the victims of dangerous drugs to sue if the drug company’s negligence led to their injuries or illnesses.

Contacting a Savannah Dangerous Drugs Lawyer

If a drug company knew or should have known their product was too dangerous and then proceeded to sell it anyway, they can be held responsible in court by any victim who suffered injury or illness. Did you develop an illness after taking a dangerous drug? You could be entitled to financial compensation for your medical bills and other damages.

An attorney can review the facts of your case and help you determine whether you have a valid claim. Call a Savannah dangerous drug lawyer today for experienced legal help.

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