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Sandy Springs Truck Accident Lawyer

While a truck accident can happen on any roadway in Georgia, interstate I-285 and Route 400 in Sandy Springs are prime locations for one to occur. The increased volume of motorists and delivery trucks on these roadways can trigger a sudden and devastating truck accident that leaves a motorist with physical pain, emotional distress and the loss of their vehicle or other property. If you or a loved one were involved in a truck accident and suffered a severe injury, you may benefit from the assistance of a Sandy Springs truck accident lawyer. To effectively pursue recovery for an injury or the loss of a vehicle, consider retaining the services of an experienced personal injury attorney.

Damage to Property After a Truck Accident

Truck accidents can refer to collisions on the roadway with any kind of commercial vehicle, including tractor trailers. One reason why truck accidents are uniquely dangerous is due to simple physics: commercial trucks typically weigh much more than a passenger vehicle, so they typically cause more injury and property damage when they strike another motorist than a passenger vehicle would.

Fortunately, under Official Code of Georgia §51-1-32, any victim of a truck accident has the right to bring two separate claims against the truck operator responsible for a collision: one for any personal injury suffered, and another for damage to property. “Property” in this context may include a damaged car or motorcycle, the contents of the car, and even equipment attached to the car, such as a boat or trailer.

Current laws concerning separate causes of action can be particularly beneficial in truck accident claims where property damage is substantial and may result in the total loss of the motorists’ vehicle. Choosing whether to pursue the claims separately or together is a decision a seasoned Sandy Springs truck accident lawyer could aid you in making.

Recovering for a Personal Injury When Causation is in Question

Another reason why truck accidents are unique is they often cause substantially more physical injuries compared to other types of auto wrecks. Any victim of a truck accident who suffers personal injury has the right under O.C.G.A. § 51-1-13 to bring a cause of action against the at-fault driver for their damages, even if the motorist partially contributed to the accident happening.

If an injured motorist drove their vehicle in such a way that a court determines they were partly responsible for their own damages, their claim may not be completely barred. So long as the motorist was less than 50 percent at fault in total, O.C.G.A. § 51-11-7 establishes that they can still bring a cause of action for a personal injury claim. A truck accident attorney in Sandy Springs could counsel you on whether—or to what degree—your actions would prohibit financial recovery.

Call a Sandy Springs Truck Accident Lawyer

Since they can cause substantially more property damage and personal injury than passenger vehicle collisions, truck accidents often require the representation of an experienced attorney familiar with how to properly present claims for victims of truck accidents. If you suffered personal injury, your vehicle was damaged, or the property attached to or within your vehicle was damaged, you may have valid grounds for a claim. To learn more about your potential legal options, call a Sandy Springs truck accident lawyer today.

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