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Sandy Springs Parking Lot Accident Lawyer

Parking lot accidents can result in catastrophic injuries. If you or a loved were injured in an accident in a garage or lot, you should contact a Sandy Springs parking lot accident lawyer for guidance.

Parking lot accidents can be complicated, as there may be questions about liability. When more than one driver shares responsibility for the accident, the claim can become more complex. A skilled Sandy Springs parking lot accident lawyer can examine the circumstances that led to the crash to determine liability.

Determining Fault in Parking Lot Accidents

Although you might expect accidents to occur more frequently on major roads and highways, parking lots can be prime locations for collisions. Parking lots are often busy places, with vehicles continually backing out of parking spaces and hunting for a place to park. Drivers also may be more hurried as they drive through parking lots, which can lead to crashes.

Drivers often fail to properly look behind them or in their blind spots when backing out of parking spaces. Other drivers fail to stop at intersections or try to squeeze past other vehicles in highly congested areas. Drivers also may not yield the right-of-way properly to pedestrians and other vehicles.

The Responsibilities of a Sandy Springs Landowner

In addition to driver error, private parties that own parking lots may also be fully or partially liable if they fail to maintain the property and remedy any dangerous conditions. Large potholes and a lack of snow removal can pose hazards for drivers.

Other potential hazardous conditions in parking lots may include broken curbs and loose shopping carts. Poor lighting and a lack of adequate traffic markings and signs also may contribute to parking lot accidents.

Damages in Parking Garage Collision Claims

Property damage to vehicles is a typical result of parking lot crashes. However, these collisions also can lead to whiplash, back, and neck injuries. If a pedestrian is hurt in a parking lot, the injuries can be especially severe. Injured parties may be eligible to seek various damages if they can establish that another party was negligent in causing their injuries.

Various damages may be available in an injury claim. Some of these damages might include compensation for:

  • Medical bills;
  • Lost wages;
  • Pain and suffering; and
  • Expenses of repairing or replacing damaged vehicles.

With the assistance of a parking lot accident attorney in Sandy Springs, an injured party may be able to get compensation for their losses. This much-needed compensation can be crucial in supporting a person while they recover from their injuries.

When an injured party is partially at fault for an accident, they may still be able to recover some damages for their losses. Under O.C.G.A. § 51-12-33, if an individual is less than 50 percent at fault for the accident, they are eligible to recover damages from other negligent parties. However, any damages that they receive will generally decrease proportionally with their degree of fault for the accident.

Call a Sandy Springs Parking Lot Accident Lawyer for Advice

When you are involved in a parking lot accident, you may not know what to do. Instead of trying to figure out what to do on your own, you may wish to get the advice of a Sandy Springs parking lot accident lawyer.

Legal counsel could gather evidence of fault in your case, including witness statements and the statements of each party involved in the accident. Establishing fault is essential to a full recovery in your personal injury claims against negligent parties. To discuss your case, call today for a consultation.

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