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Roswell Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Roswell is a suburb of Georgia’s largest city, putting it within reach of many of the state’s attractions and most active residential spaces. Pedestrians can be spotted throughout the city, making their way to work, restaurants, and other local attractions.

Pedestrians are entitled to protection when they take to the sidewalk. Those who are injured in roadway accidents in Roswell can file civil suits against liable parties with the help of a seasoned personal injury attorney. If you want to file such a suit, you can sit down with a Roswell pedestrian accident lawyer to discuss the details of your situation.

Driver Responsibilities on the Road

Drivers bear specific responsibilities when they take to the road, known as a duty of care. Drivers upholding a duty of care implicitly enter a social contract that requires them to obey traffic laws and drive with the safety of their peers in mind. Drivers who fail to uphold their duty of care can cause accidents, a failure that is legally referred to as negligence, although it can intersect with deliberate recklessness such as drinking while driving. A Roswell pedestrian injury attorney could help hold a driver liable for any losses that follow an accident.

The Law’s Expectation of Pedestrians

Georgia law also outlines its expectations for people who walk or jog near the road. Pedestrians found in violation of applicable law may have a more difficult time filing a complaint after a roadway accident. These laws in particular address the use of crosswalks and traffic signage.

Crosswalk Use

Pedestrians are expected to cross the street only when using a crosswalk or applicable crossing. Those who leave curbs without warning or at an inappropriate time may forfeit their right to compensation if they wish to take any of their injuries to court. That said, there is a difference between leaving a curb without warning and crossing a street without using a crosswalk. Jaywalking does not appear in the state code, as pedestrians can cross most streets provided that they yield to oncoming traffic and behave within reason.

Pedestrian Control Signs

Pedestrians are expected to abide by roadway signs and control signals. Failure to abide by these signs may see someone forgo their right to compensation in civil court. Drivers, similarly, are expected to abide by these signals while keeping the safety of nearby pedestrians in mind.

Fighting for Compensation After an Accident

To fight for compensation after a pedestrian accident, injured parties or their representatives must file complaints with a state court. These complaints must detail:

  • The extent of a plaintiff’s injuries and subsequent losses;
  • The party that the plaintiff believes to be liable for said losses;
  • Evidence supporting both the losses and accusations of liability; and
  • An estimation of the plaintiff’s compensation.

A pedestrian accident lawyer in Roswell could help interested parties bring this information together.

Considering the Statute of Limitations

All pedestrians who wish to seek out compensation for a roadway accident must submit their complaints within Georgia’s statute of limitations. This statute gives all parties suffering from a personal injury up to two years from the day their accident takes place to submit their complaints. Parties who wish to file claims detailing property damage after a pedestrian accident have four years from the date the accident takes place to take comparable action.

Discuss Your Case with a Roswell Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

You have the right to pursue compensation after being injured in an accident. To recover the losses you suffered, you can discuss your options with a Roswell pedestrian accident lawyer. Reach out today to schedule your initial consultation.

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