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Trial Skills Seminar - October 4thRegister

Marietta Dog Bite Lawyer

The injuries that you can suffer in a dog attack can be severe. The scarring and the memories of the terrible ordeal can be permanent and the chances for a serious and potentially even life-threatening infection are not small.

If you or someone you love was hurt in a dog attack, a Marietta dog bite lawyer could help you pursue your rights to compensation. There is no reason why you should have to pay for the costs of an injury that you did not cause, and a dedicated injury lawyer can work to prove this in court.

Dog Bite Rules in Marietta

The Official Code of Georgia Annotated § 51-2-7 says that the owner of a dog shall be held liable for the injuries their dog causes if the dog was dangerous, the owner knew their dog was dangerous, and the owner failed to manage their animal. This is often referred to as the “one bite rule,” as long as the dog has previously acted viciously one other time the owner can be held liable. If these three elements are present, the owner can be held liable for their dog’s bite.

Additionally, the statute puts liability on the dog owner if a local ordinance required the dog to be on a leash, but it was not. Proving a case based on either legal argument, though, can be difficult. A Marietta dog bite lawyer can help create a comprehensive argument to show that these elements were present.

Recovering Damages After an Attack

Dog bites can be painful and expensive to treat. Bites can become infected and require additional treatment if an attack survivor does not seek medical care in a timely manner. If an attack is severe enough, the survivor may not be able to return to work or earn a living wage for an extended period of time.

This can place an immense financial strain on a person, especially if they are tasked with paying off countless medical bills. This is why bringing a claim may be important. Common damages recovered in these claims include compensation for:

  • Medical bills;
  • Lost wages;
  • Lost earning capacity;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Mental anguish; and
  • Decreased quality of life.

If a dog bite results in the death of an individual, survivors may file suit to recover damages for funeral costs, loss of companionship, and loss of earning potential. A Marietta dog bite lawyer can further explain the compensation available in a specific claim.

A Marietta Dog Bite Lawyer Can Help

A dog attack can leave permanent scarring. Additionally, many time these attacks can leave a person with severe emotional trauma that can be difficult to recover from. However, if the owner should have known that their dog could have been vicious, you have rights.

Under state law, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses from the attack. A Marietta dog bite attorney can help you determine what compensation may be available for your unique situation. To learn more, call today.

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