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Fulton County Parking Lot Accident Lawyer

Even though vehicles may be traveling at a lower rate of speed in parking lots than on roadways, accidents that occur inside a parking lot can be just as dangerous. Just like on the road, drivers who cause injuries to others in a parking lot can be held responsible for their actions.

If you or a loved one were injured, a Fulton County parking lot accident lawyer could help you explore your options for filing a personal injury lawsuit. If you have a valid claim, a well-versed car accident attorney could help you build a comprehensive claim for the compensation you need and deserve.

What Causes Parking Lot Accidents?

Most accidents in parking lots happen because drivers are simply not paying attention. Drivers in parking lots may be looking for parking spaces, watching for traffic, or distracted by the general chaos of the shopping plaza.

Other frequent reasons for parking lot collisions include:

  • Drivers backing up without watching for pedestrians;
  • Pedestrians failing to watch for vehicles;
  • Drivers ignoring traffic lanes and cutting through spaces;
  • Drivers whose vision is obscured by items in the lot;
  • Distracted drivers; and
  • Unsecured shopping carts rolling through the lot.

A Fulton County parking lot accident attorney can examine the causes of a collision to determine who may be liable. If the crash was the result of another driver’s negligence, they could help bring a claim for compensation against the responsible party.

Common Injuries in Fulton County Collisions

Accidents in parking lots are the most dangerous for pedestrians. A person loading groceries or walking into a store can be seriously injured even if a car hits them at a lower speed. Pedestrians struck by vehicles may suffer catastrophic injuries such as fractures and broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, nerve damage, and spinal cord injuries.

Drivers and passengers may also sustain serious injuries. Low-speed accidents can cause serious injuries that may not be obvious at the time. For example, when a vehicle collides with an object, a person’s head and neck can be violently snapped forward and backward. This movement can happen at several times the speed of the vehicle, causing injuries such as whiplash and nerve damage.

Damage caused by low-speed accidents can take days to appear. People who were in a seemingly minor accident in a parking lot may experience extreme pain, stiffness, or other complications days after the accident. For that reason, it is critical for anyone involved in a car accident—no matter how minor—to see a doctor as soon as they are able. A Fulton County parking lot accident attorney can help determine an injured person’s rights following an injury.

Get Help from a Fulton County Parking Lot Accident Lawyer

If another person’s negligence caused your injury, you deserve compensation for your pain and suffering. Regardless of how or where your accident occurred, a Fulton County parking lot accident lawyer can evaluate your claim and help you decide how to move forward. Set up a free consultation with an experienced attorney to learn more about your rights.

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