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Trial Skills Seminar - October 4thRegister

DeKalb County Bus Accident Lawyers

Buses are different from other vehicles on the roads of DeKalb County. While they are large like trucks, they carry fragile human cargo, typically without any harness or restraint. They also make frequent stops to let people on and off. These factors may substantially increase the likelihood of serious injuries occurring when a bus is involved in an accident.

In many cases, those injured in a bus accident may be entitled to recover damages to compensate for the harm they endure. Since bus crash cases are different from other accidents, it is wise to work with a knowledgeable DeKalb County bus accident lawyer. A practiced personal injury attorney with experience handling bus accidents could evaluate your situation, explain your options, and advocate on your behalf to help you recover reasonable compensation.

Unique Factors that Affect Bus Accident Cases

With the high number of people often riding on a bus and the frequent stops and starts, there are numerous other factors that make bus accidents unique. The driver in a bus accident is typically a professional driver working for either a private company or an entity controlled by the government. As a professional, the driver may be held to a higher standard than the driver of a private car.

The bus itself is also normally owned by the government or a business. This may affect the case in many ways. If the bus is owned or operated by a local authority, the statute of limitations for filing a claim may be much shorter. Laws may also limit the amount that could be recovered when a government entity is involved.

Must There be Only One Defendant?

In a bus accident case, it may be possible to file claims against several different people or entities with responsibility for the accident. They will be represented by experienced legal counsel who may try to claim the injured party is partially responsible for their injuries. This is why it is wise for you to contact a well-prepared bus accident attorney in DeKalb County for help.

Types of Compensation That May Be Available in DeKalb County

If someone injured in a bus accident demonstrates that the negligence of one or more others is responsible for causing the accident, then the injured person may recover monetary awards to offset different effects of the accident. These awards are referred to in DeKalb County as “damages.” With the help of a DeKalb County attorney, a bus accident plaintiff may receive damages to compensate for factors that may include:

  • Pain and suffering;
  • Emotional distress;
  • Loss of enjoyment of activities;
  • Medical bills;
  • Future medical needs;
  • Wages lost due to time off work;
  • Future lost or reduced wages; and
  • Accommodations needed.

Whether a case settles through negotiation or proceeds to court, the value of these various factors may be included in the recovery amount. An experienced DeKalb County bus accident lawyer could calculate the values applicable in a bus accident case to evaluate whether a settlement offer is reasonable.

How Does a Bus Company Handle Claims Against Them?

Insurers and bus companies often try to argue that the injured person’s own conduct contributed toward the cause of the accident. Since passengers may move around while the bus is in motion, it is easy to see how this argument could be persuasive. Unless the injured person’s actions constituted the majority of the cause of the injury, the contributory negligence of the injured person will not prevent recovery. It may reduce the amount to a degree. An experienced attorney could explain how contributory negligence may affect a person’s case.

Let a DeKalb County Bus Accident Lawyer Help

While the standard statute of limitations allows two years to file a claim after an accident, the limitations period could be substantially shorter if a local government entity is involved. It is advisable to avoid delay. A driven DeKalb County bus accident lawyer could begin collecting evidence to build a strong claim for damages right away. For a free consultation to learn what may be possible in your case, call now.

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