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Creative Approaches for Obtaining Exceptional Settlements - November 21stRegister

Decatur Truck Accidents Lawyers

In the course of your daily commute, you may encounter a variety of large vehicles on the roadways. They may include dump trucks, garbage trucks, tow trucks, tractor-trailers, flatbed trucks, tanker trucks, cement mixers, and car carriers.

When fully loaded, these trucks can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds. With the common passenger vehicle around 4,000 pounds, you can imagine the impact a truck would have in a collision with a much smaller vehicle. Those involved in semi truck accidents of this nature rarely survive. If they do, they must often deal with lifelong injuries, which can be costly.

The damages from a truck crash can be severe. Don’t pay for these damages on your own. Seek legal help from the Decatur truck accidents lawyers at Shiver Hamilton Campbell. We can help determine liability, which can be complicated in truck accident cases.

Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, including the following:

  • Speeding. Truck drivers are often on tight deadlines. In order to get to their destination on time, they may speed. If they need to slow down quickly, though, they have a further stopping distance. Many drivers are not able to stop in time, causing serious accidents.
  • Distracted driving. Driving a truck for long hours can get boring. Many drivers will text, watch videos, surf the internet, or engage in other behaviors that cause them to take their eyes off the road. These distracting behaviors can cause accidents.
  • Drunk driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol can negatively impact judgment, causing a driver to not be able to slow down in time to avoid an accident. Alcohol can also cause a driver to become overly tired and lose control.
  • Fatigue. Truck drivers work for long hours. Although hours of service regulations are in place to limit drivers to 11 hours of continuous driving, not all trucking companies follow these laws. Because of this, truck drivers are at risk of falling asleep behind the wheel.
  • Overloaded cargo. When a truck is carrying too much weight, it can make it harder to turn. On top of that, a truck can experience tire blowouts from all the weight.
  • Mechanical failure. When the trucking company does not properly maintain their vehicles, the trucks can suffer mechanical failure. Brakes and other parts can suddenly stop working, causing loss of control and crashes.

Contact Our Decatur Truck Accidents Lawyers Today

Semi trucks and other large trucks are very large and can cause significant damage. If you survive this type of crash, you will likely be dealing with catastrophic injuries for the rest of your life.

Get the compensation you deserve from the Decatur lawyers at Shiver Hamilton Campbell. You need to act quickly in these cases, as trucking companies will often go to great lengths to hide and destroy evidence. Get started with a free consultation. Fill out the online form or call our office today at (877) 215-6111.

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