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Creative Approaches for Obtaining Exceptional Settlements - November 21stRegister

Decatur Defective Products Lawyer

We expect that the products we use on an everyday basis will be safe to use. While that is true most of the time, sometimes defects occur. A defective product can cause serious harm. In the case of a vehicle or appliance, it could even result in death.

A defective product is one that is unreasonably dangerous when used for its intended purpose. If you have been injured by a defective product, you need strong, effective legal help on your side. The Decatur defective products lawyers at Shiver Hamilton Campbell can hold the manufacturer liable for your injuries so you get the compensation you deserve.

Types of Defective Products

There are many products that could be defective, such as the following:

  • Household gadgets and appliances
  • Medical devices
  • Construction tools
  • Children’s toys
  • Automobiles
  • Cosmetics and personal care items
  • Sporting goods
  • Firearms

How Can You Tell If an Item is Defective?

You think the product you purchased may be defective, but how do you know for sure? Here are some signs:

  • You followed the instructions exactly but still got injured.
  • The product has a broken component.
  • The product design is inherently dangerous.

Types of Defects

There are three types of defects that a product may have:

  • Manufacturing defects. This occurs while the product is manufactured. In this case, only a few products are flawed out of money.
  • Design defects. Design defects occur before the product is even manufactured. There is an inherent flaw in the design that must be proven by the victim.
  • Marketing defects. These defects involve instructions on the box or inserts. If they give improper instructions or fail to give any warnings, this could be a marketing defect.

Who Can Be Held Liable?

Any person injured by a defective product, whether or not they bought the product themselves, can recover compensation, as long as the product was sold in the marketplace. Liability could extend to anyone in the product’s chain of distribution, including:

  • The product manufacturer
  • The manufacturer of a component
  • The assembler or installer of the product
  • The wholesaler
  • The store that sold the product

What to Keep in Mind

Not every product that causes harm can be considered a defective product. By their nature, some products are unavoidably unsafe. A good example would be a knife. If you make a knife safer by making it dull, it loses its usefulness. Medications are another example. If you take out a somewhat dangerous ingredient, the drug may not work at all.

In these cases, users need to assess the risk and determine if the benefits outweigh the risks. Manufacturers must also properly warn consumers of the dangers and risks involved so that consumers can make informed decisions.

Contact A Decatur Defective Products Lawyer  Today

If you have been injured by a defective product, you need aggressive legal representation. You will be fighting against large billion-dollar companies. You need the best legal resources available.

The Decatur lawyers at Shiver Hamilton Campbell can help you pursue justice and compensation. Contact us today to get started. To schedule a free consultation, fill out the online form or call (877) 215-6111.

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