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Cobb County Child Injury Lawyers

It is difficult to even think about your child suffering from a severe injury. The emotional turmoil of that event is amplified when another person’s negligence is what caused those injuries. The very least you could do is secure monetary compensation for the losses they sustained with assistance from a compassionate personal injury attorney.

Holding another party accountable for their actions and deterring them from harming someone else is a meaningful outcome. A Cobb County child injury lawyer could help you file a claim against the responsible party and fight for fair compensation.

Limits to File a Lawsuit for a Minor

A child’s injuries that were sustained from another person or entity have a limited time window to recover compensation legally. Under Georgia law, a personal injury claim has a statute of limitations of two years. However, the rules operate differently for children due to their status as a minor.

Because children lack the full rights and privileges of an adult, the statute of limitations does not begin until that child turns 18 years of age. This means a personal injury claim must be filed before they turn 20. However, it may be prudent to file a claim sooner rather than later, depending on medical cost, the extent of the injuries, and the ability to maintain evidence. Determining when to file can be a difficult decision but a children’s injury attorney in Cobb County could provide valuable guidance and counseling.

Types of Child Injuries

Due to their vulnerability, children can sustain injuries in numerous ways. Even a simple visit to the playground can result in broken bones and concussions. This is more likely to happen when a playground is improperly maintained and poses hazards. Unfenced swimming pools are also a frequent site of child injuries. Property owners have a duty to protect children from anything on their land that might draw them towards danger.

Even automobile accidents become much more dangerous when children are involved. Several laws involving car seats, bus stops, and school buses are designed to protect children from the dangers of vehicular accidents. There are also laws that regulate products and devices intended for children. Car seats, toys, cribs, and walkers which are poorly designed and cause injury to children can lead to product liability claims for their manufacturers. If the device was in average condition, was used properly, and still caused an injury, then a Cobb County child injury lawyer could hold the manufacturer liable.

Parents also have a right to bring a wrongful death claim on behalf of the child if the accident led to a loss of life. If both of the deceased child’s parents are married or together, they may file one joint claim. However, if the parents are divorced or legally separated, then two separate claims may be filed by each parent.

Claims for Child Injuries

Parental claims consist of two parts. First, there is the claim for medical expenses, which parents must pursue on behalf of their children because they are responsible for the medical costs until the child reaches the age of 18.

The second part of the claim seeks compensation for pain and suffering, and any permanent damage that may influence the child in the future, such as lost earning ability, lost physical abilities, and any medical or other expenses paid after the age of 18. These cases can bring out intense emotions, so it is wise to consult with a legal professional who could keep the claim on track and focus on legal aspects while parents care for their child.

Seek Justice with a Cobb County Child Injury Lawyer

Children are among the most vulnerable people in our society. When a child suffers physical harm as a result of another’s negligence, someone must be held accountable for the various financial costs that follow. A Cobb County child injury lawyer who understands the gravity of your case could help you manage your legal claim. Contact us now to schedule a consultation.

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