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Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyers > Atlanta Prescription Drug Error Lawyer

Atlanta Prescription Drug Error Lawyer

The advancement of medicine has allowed humans to thrive. Whether you take cough medicine during cold season or rely on prescription medication to maintain your health, most of us have directly benefited from the science behind such drugs. Prescription drugs can be real lifesavers, but when they are used or prescribed incorrectly, they can do more harm than good.

If you or someone you love suffered ill effects from medication mistakes, an Atlanta prescription drug errors lawyer may be able to assist you. A form of medical malpractice, drug errors are more common than one may expect. An Atlanta prescription drug error lawyer can offer valuable insight into your case and work to get you the compensation you deserve after suffering from a doctor’s mistakes.

Possible Medication Errors

While most people think about doctor errors or car accidents when thinking about how negligence causes accidents, negligence can also apply to the way drugs are administered as well. Medication errors are frequently the result of doctors who fail to monitor the effect a prescription drug has on a patient. When the doctor fails to perform necessary follow-up tests, the drugs can have a negative impact on the health of the patient.

Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions to prescription drugs can also be a medication error. It is important for every doctor to review a patient’s history and understand their allergies before prescribing a new drug. Even when a patient does not have an allergic reaction to a medication, the amount a doctor prescribes them can seriously impact their health. When a patient takes too much, they can overdose. If they take too little, their health problems may worsen. Doctors owe it to their patients to prescribe accurate dosages.

Negative Drug Interactions

In some cases, doctors mistakenly prescribe drugs and patients who should not be on such medications take them. In other situations, patients taking multiple prescriptions experience negative interactions between the drugs. Both can result in serious health problems and exacerbate issues already threatening a person’s safety. For more information, get in contact with an Atlanta prescription drug errors lawyer.

Damages Available Prescription Drug Errors

Prescription drug errors can have catastrophic consequences. In many cases, these mistakes may mean serious health problems and expensive treatment plans. Often, patients suffer delays in the care they need, requiring extended time off work. The financial consequences of drug errors can be corrected via prescription drug errors litigation.

Non-economic factors can also be part of a settlement. The prolonged treatment added pain and suffering, and emotional weight of the error can all take a toll on an individual. Though nothing can undo that additional pain, compensation can help secure the best future possible for the person. For assistance with filing an injury claim, contact a prescription drug errors attorney in Atlanta.

How an Atlanta Prescription Drug Errors Attorney Could Help

Mistakes happen, but victims of prescription drug errors do not have to suffer in their silence. By working with an Atlanta prescription drug errors lawyer, you can have a knowledgeable ally advocating for your legal rights. To begin seeking justice, call to set up your free consultation today.

The appointment is risk-free, as individuals are not obligated to pursue anything with which they are not fully comfortable. Time is of the essence, though, so schedule your appointment as soon as possible.

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