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Alpharetta Paralysis Injury Lawyers

Paralysis is one of the most devastating injuries anyone could ever suffer. It presents unimaginable physical and emotional challenges. Not only that, paralysis brings a crushing financial burden as this is an injury that often cannot be reversed, leaving a person unable to work, making those financial expenses even harder to bear.

Though no one could ever be made whole from this type of injury, when the injury is the fault of someone else, a lawsuit can help you or your family recover in a significant way. Indeed, the compensation gained from a personal injury lawsuit can go beyond reimbursing even the medical and lost income expenses associated with your injury, providing additional support for you and your family.

When filing a personal injury lawsuit, it is important to speak to an Alpharetta paralysis injury lawyer. An attorney knows how to hold those responsible liable for paying this compensation so that you can begin to move on with your life following such a significant tragedy.

Negligence in Paralysis Injury Cases

Paralysis injury lawsuits are actionable and may be filed against a liable party when another person or entity committed an act of negligence which caused an accident and resulting injuries and damages. Negligence occurs when a person does not act as a reasonable person would in ordinary circumstances and fails to keep others safe.

For example, if a motorist is speeding excessively or following too closely and strikes another vehicle, causing passengers or drivers to suffer a paralysis injury, that driver may be found negligent. If a doctor mistreats or misdiagnoses a patient, and that negligence results in a paralysis injury, the doctor may be found negligent.

While negligence can seem like a simple concept and may be obvious to the injured individual, it can also be difficult to prove in court. This is why hiring an Alpharetta paralysis injury lawyer could be especially helpful.

Damages Available in Alpharetta

In a paralysis injury lawsuit, there may be many types of damages available. The term damages refers to any actual damages or injuries a person has suffered, and the amount of damages will indicate how much compensation someone can expect to receive if the lawsuit is successfully litigated.

Medical Expenses

Medical expenses are often one of the first types of damages accident victims think of when filing a lawsuit. However, in addition to past and present medical expenses, it is also important to consider future medical expenses. In addition to these costs related to ongoing and future medical care, medical equipment such as wheelchairs, home modifications, and vehicle modifications may also be recovered under the law.

Lost Wages

In too many cases, victims suffering paralysis from an incident will be left unable to work. In fact, they may never work again or may have to take a job that does not provide as much income as they once made. In these cases, damages for that loss of income can also be claimed.

Non-Economic Losses

Paralysis injury victims also often suffer a loss of quality of life. Activities once enjoyed may no longer be an option, and a person may have to change their long-term goals. Everyday life becomes more difficult than it once was. While these damages do not have an actual dollar value, an Alpharetta paralysis injury attorney could help estimate the total cost of these non-economic losses.

The spouses of individuals suffering paralysis due to the negligence of another may also have a claim for loss of consortium. This compensation covers the damages to familial relationships, such as that between a husband and wife. A paralysis victim is often left unable to care for children or perform ordinary household duties, which is also considered under a loss of consortium claim.

Pain and suffering is another aspect of damages that may be recovered under the law. The pain experienced in the incident and the resulting trauma can also be claimed in the lawsuit.

Punitive Damages

In addition to the above damages, if the court finds that the at-fault party was acting recklessly, willfully, with malice, or with conscious disregard for the consequences in causing the accident, a jury may also award punitive damages. Punitive damages are meant to punish the at-fault individual.

Contact an Alpharetta Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Paralysis injury cases are notoriously complicated. There may be several negligent parties and they also often require a knowledge of not only the law, but of medical care, costs, and future cost projections as well.

Due to the complexities of these cases, an injured victim should speak to an Alpharetta paralysis injury lawyer as soon as possible. There may be significant relief available, and an attorney could help you recover compensation.

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