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Alpharetta Dangerous Drugs Lawyers

Drug manufacturers design prescription drugs to help people recover from, or alleviate, a medical problem. You certainly do not expect prescription drugs to worsen your condition or even cause life-threatening side effects. If you have experienced the negative consequences of a dangerous drug, your health and quality of life may be permanently affected. A skilled Alpharetta dangerous drugs lawyer could examine your case and help determine effective legal options.

Contact a dedicated injury attorney for a legal consultation. It is not uncommon for a person who has taken dangerous drugs to incur injuries from these product defects that are far worse than their original condition. An attorney who is familiar with dangerous drug cases in Alpharetta could work hard to uncover potential compensation options that may reduce a person’s financial strain from unexpected injuries.

Dangerous Drug Examples

While there are examples of dangerous drugs in many areas of the pharmaceutical industry, some have caused more issues than others. Almost everyone is aware of the dangerous and sometimes deadly effects of over-prescribed or improperly prescribed opioids, but opioids are often just part of the problem.

Other dangerous drugs may include:

  • GranuFlo – This solution, used in kidney dialysis, may increase a patient’s heart attack risk;
  • Lipitor – An anti-cholesterol drug, Lipitor may cause patients to develop liver disease or diabetes;
  • Paxil – This commonly prescribed antidepressants increases the risk of suicide in young people;
  • Risperdal – Used to treat bipolar disorder and other mental conditions, Risperdal has been linked to gynecomastia, the development of enlarged breasts in males;
  • Taxotere – Although many chemotherapy drugs cause temporary hair loss, patients taking Taxotere for breast or other types of cancer face a high risk of remaining permanently bald;
  • Xarelto – This anticoagulant medication may cause internal hemorrhaging, as well as increase the patient’s risk of potentially fatal deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism;
  • Yaz – This birth control pill has caused women to suffer from cardiovascular incidents, including blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks.

These are just a few examples of dangerous drugs. An Alpharetta dangerous drugs lawyer could examine a patient’s medical history to determine whether their condition is the result of a dangerous drug.

Prescription and Other Errors in Alpharetta

Sometimes a dangerous drug case arises because of an improper prescription or a related error. For example, there are many drugs with similar names designed to treat completely different diseases or conditions. While electronic prescriptions make these errors less likely than when prescriptions are written by hand, these mistakes may still occur. Even more common are dosing errors that may permit a patient to incur an overdose, which could be lethal.

A health care provider may also prescribe a drug that is not indicated for the patient’s specific medical issue. Since many drugs have several routes of administration, this is yet another area in which mistakes can occur. For example, a patient may have responded appropriately if a medication was injected subcutaneously, or under the skin. Should the healthcare provider make a mistake and inject the same medication intramuscularly, this could have severe consequences.

Benefits of an Alpharetta Dangerous Drugs Attorney

A detail-oriented Alpharetta dangerous drugs lawyer could help hold the responsible parties accountable when patients are harmed because of dangerous drugs. An injury attorney could conduct investigations, contact experts and potentially depose health care professionals to establish the evidence necessary to prove a dangerous drug case. Call and arrange a meeting to discuss legal strategies that may benefit your dangerous drugs case.

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