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Alpharetta Burn Injury Lawyers

Anyone who has ever suffered a burn injury knows the immense pain that comes with such an injury. The skin is the largest organ in the human body. And as a result, burn injuries often require some of the most extensive medical treatment since these injuries can permanently damage much more than just the skin. A compassionate attorney can advocate on your behalf.

With a burn injury, the skin surface is not only destroyed but a burn may also permanently damage nerves even muscle tissue. Depending on the size and severity of a burn, medical providers may perform skin graft surgery, taking slates of healthy skin from one area of the body and grafting over burn injury surfaces. Second and third-degree burn injuries leave life-long scars that disfigures the body that often has not only physical consequences but also real emotional impact.

Even burns that can seem minor at first often have long-lasting impact that can greatly affect someone’s quality of life. For this reason, anyone who suffers a burn injury, particularly when it is the fault of someone else, should speak to an Alpharetta burn injury lawyer. Let a compassionate catastrophic injury attorney fight for your right to compensation.

Filing a Lawsuit in Alpharetta

Not all burn injury accidents are necessarily actionable under the law. For example, if someone takes a pot of boiling water off the stove and spills water on themselves, that is likely not a case.

Put another way, in order to have a burn injury case, there must have been a bad actor, someone else that acted or failed to act that led to a burn accident. In the case of the pot of boiling water, if the pot was defective in that it had a manufacturing defect such as a defective handle, the manufacturer may be held liable for any burns that resulted from the proper use of that handle.

There are countless other scenarios where someone may suffer a burn injury due to the negligence of another person or entity. For instance, if a person is involved in a car wreck that results in an explosion or fire and the accident was the fault of someone else, the injured individual may be able to sue the at-fault driver for compensation for their injuries. In addition, the fire from the wreck may be the result of some defective aspect of the vehicle, which may result in a claim against an automobile manufacturer. If a person is in a building fire, they may be able to file a lawsuit against the construction company or property owner for not following proper fire safety regulations if the cause of the fire was due to the act or omission of that entity or entities.

Investigating and ultimately determining that someone else was negligent in a burn injury case can be difficult and meeting the standards of proof under Georgia law is challenging. This is exactly why it is so important for anyone who has suffered a burn injury to speak with an Alpharetta burn injury lawyer as soon as possible after an accident.

Burn Injury Settlements

After suffering a burn injury arising out of an incident where another person or entity was at-fault, burn victims may be offered settlements. For example, if the injured individual was in a car accident, the insurance company of the at-fault driver may offer a settlement in effort to quickly resolve the case at a low value. If the injured party ultimately decides to file a lawsuit, the attorneys for the defendant may offer a settlement to avoid going to trial.

Injured victims are often happy to be offered a settlement to resolve their case. However, what is often unrealized is that these settlements are substantially lower than what is necessary to cover the damages suffered as a result of the injury, not only medical expenses but future costs such as future medical treatment and wage loss. Certainly early settlement offers are often much lower than what a burn injury victim may deserve. To get a fair settlement, intense negotiation and often litigation is required.

Negotiating a settlement is often very difficult for an individual representing themselves, particularly when they are trying to recover from serious injuries. A burn injury lawyer in Alpharetta can negotiate on the injured party’s behalf to help get the fair settlement they deserve.

How an Alpharetta Burn Injury Lawyer Can Help

An attorney can do much more than just negotiate with other lawyers and insurance companies. Having an attorney to collect all relevant evidence, such as witness statements, medical records, code ordinance violations, and police and fire department records is critical.

An attorney can also investigate the scene of the accident to determine what happened, and how another party was negligent. In addition, an attorney can help accident victims determine the full cost of their injury, including future medical costs and lost earnings.

If you have been in an accident that you believe may have been the fault of someone else and suffered a burn injury as a result, do not delay in speaking to an Alpharetta burn injury lawyer. You may be entitled to compensation and an attorney knows how to help you get the full amount you deserve.

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